Texans Recovering Together Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program is a free counseling service that is available to any individual from a young age of 3 years old and on. This program offers brief individual, group counseling, educational and supportive contacts from crisis counselors and several other licensed professionals.
What we do
Social Service referrals
Charitable Donation referrals
Transportation referrals
Job Assistance referrals
Legal Assistance referrals
Medical Care referrals
Mental Health referrals
Substance Abuse referrals
Individual Crisis Counseling
Group counseling
Educational Presentations
If you or your family has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, we are here to help if you have suffered any
of the following
Personal or financial losses
Emotional trauma or distress
Physical or Mental Health issues
Physical Abuse
Increased substance or alcohol use
Legal Issues
Heightened anger or frustration
Social withdrawal
Or just feel the need to support and local assistance?
The counseling program is available for assessments, referrals and links to community resources within all 4 counties Laredo (Webb), Zapata (Zapata), Hebbronville (Jim Hogg) and Rio Grande City (Starr) from Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Contact us at our Hotline 956-794-3202 or to our email ccp@borderregion.org